Say Yes to Life, No to Drugs

Today we are united to take a pledge under the Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyan to make not only our community, family, friends but ourselves drug free because change starts from within, so pledge together to make India Drug Free. I pledge that I will take all efforts in my capability to make India Drug-Free. ‘

We pledge that we will keep ourselves, our family and our loved ones away from drugs and enjoy a healthy and happy life.

In terms of percentage of population affected, the top states in the country are those in the north east (Mizoram, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Manipur) along with Punjab, Haryana and Delhi. A sizeable number of people using other drugs like sedatives and inhalants also need help.

At Polestar Academy our students participated in this anti drugs pledge campaign with understanding and took this as our responsibility too.

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