Independence Day 2023

77th Indian Independece Day Observed at Polestar Academy commemorating the historic moment when India finally gained independence after around 200 years of the colonial British rule.

Today, 15 August every Indian citizens are proudly celebrating its 77th Independence Day (Swatantrata Diwas) and paying their homage and reaffirming their vow for patriotism. We got our freedom from the centuries’ old shackles of Britishers after the sacrifice of countless brave lives and non-stop efforts of our heroes. National Flag was hoisted by Vice Principal of the school, Mrs. Rumpa Roy Majumder in presence of all the Polestarians. She is found to be assisted by Mr. Dipak Das, Asst. Teacher of the school. All the teachers joined together and took the oath follwed by saluting the TIRANGA and singing The National Anthem. Jai Hind.

Regratefully, 15th August 2023 being a Bandh Day, students of this locality could not attend the school on this day of observance of Independence Day, as the gaudrians did not send them to the school.

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