Ei Cares exam in Math, Science, English for Std III to X is conducted today (24-06-2024) in Polestar Academy .
We are glad to announce that we have been able to clinch the opportunity to conduct a syllabus based “Comprehensive Assessment, Reports and Evaluation based Examination for the students which is being conducted by Educational Initiatives (Ei CARES), a global educational organisation. Cares deals mainly with the misconcept of the students in different subjects and takes effective measures to enrich the students with the insight of the academic concept of their syllbae.
The first day Exam was conducted successfully today, student’s appeared for the exam with high enthusiasm. CARES will conduct 4 examinations from standard III to X depending on the chapters that will be covered in different classes with the advancement of time. Ei CARES is a futuristic assessment tool that formulates customized assessment programs in accordance with the school curriculum and presents immediate detailed feedbacks on individual student performance. The detailed online reports of the examination will be sent to the school as well as to the parents.
Ei’s Comprehensive Assessment, Reports and Evaluation for Schools (Ei CARES) aims at making a difference in the assessment process by providing assistance to teachers so that they can focus on their core competency as well as provide greater insight into topic misconceptions in students and how they can improve upon them for a brighter future with strong fundamentals. A topic-wise testing tool, aims at providing immediate feedback to teachers on the current level of student understanding on the topics taught and completed in the classroom.
This will enable us to assess the stand of the teachers and hence students as well as of the school in national and international level.